Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I am really starting to like my journalism class, it's intimidating but one has to get the work done. The meeting I covered last week, which was the Senate meeting was so interesting. It had so may aspects and ideas. I had no idea that Dr. Vela had so much trouble going on with the school, but actually attending these meetings really teaches me something about our school government. 
Now change of topic, yay Valentines Day is tomorrow, I know some people love this holiday and some people that are haters. I love the fact that there is a holiday dedicated to couples, or just friends or anything. The roses, candy, dinner and the love is amazing. I know it might be overrated but I am just a sucker for this kind of things. I am actually covering the Valentines Day event tomorrow at campus and  I am excited about it. This are the kinds of stories I like to do. The ones that engage with the students and actually have them participate, even it's eating cupcakes and candy outside in the Falcon Square. I will also be covering the new movie, Spiderwicks tonight and writing a review. So i'll let you guys all know how that went :)

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